This is an unofficial archive of current and past LineageOS builds. These builds have been collected from various sources,
including the official download page,, user-made archives, and other clickbait sites that shall not be named.
In case I missed a source where one can find device/version combinations that aren't listed here at all, or where one can
find builds that are newer than the newest build for a device/version combination that I have listed here, please feel free
to let me know.
While I ran all of the builds through the signature checker before listing them here, you are encouraged to do
the same when downloading a build from here or anywhere else.
Note: The builds listed here are old, can contain security issues, and are unsupported by the LineageOS team. Use at your own risk. Currently supported builds can be found on the LineageOS download page.
The index currently contains ? builds. ? of those builds are currently stored, using ? of disk space. This covers ? devices and ? device/version combinations. With an average build size of ?, archiving one build of each device/version combination would use approximately ? of disk space.
Digest files for all known builds can be found at /MD5SUMS, /SHA1SUMS, /SHA256SUMS, and /SHA512SUMS respectively. Extras are archived here.
In case you found this archive helpful and you want to support it, consider donating over PayPal
(preferably including a message, so that I know to put it towards the hosting funds) or over Bitcoin.
If you have other suggestions for handling donations, I'd (of course) be happy to hear about them.
Excess funds may be spent on more/bigger servers or redirected to the LineageOS project at my discretion.
Of course, you can also support the LineageOS project directly via the donation options on the bottom of their website.
Current expenses: €12.97/month (Hetzner BX21; FSN1) + €7.73/month (Hetzner CAX21; FSN1)
Current balance: €33.21
Note: Please be responsible with queueing builds for upload and queue only the builds you need. In case there is any issue (or you have any other kind of feedback), feel free to contact me. For issues and improvements to the archive software itself, please open an issue or a pull request on GitHub. A list of past abusive incidents can be found here. Read it.
Notice: Builds of devices that joined the build roster between 2023-10-15 and 2024-04-12
(a73xq, alphaplus, betalm, caprip, dopinder, felix, gta4l, gta4lwifi, husky, mh2lm, pdx203, pdx206, perseus, quill, quill_tab, rtwo, salami, shiba, sif, xpeng, zangya, zangyapro)
and that weren't available on the official server on 2024-04-12 (or later) are currently considered lost media.
In case anyone is still holding on to a copy of a build (especially LineageOS 20) that isn't listed here, then please make
sure to let me know.